Lack of blogging and future work
April 27, 2015
I haven't really been keeping up with my blogging and that is because I haven't been working on very many side projects lately. With all my coding being work related, I can't really show much from it for two reasons.- The subject matter of what I am learning to do is not really applicable to this audience as it is all about strange functionality within the Google AdWords API.
- I can't show any examples that would reveal the architecture that we are working with here without getting permission and I am just too lazy to do that.
I have decided that I will begin investing more time working on side projects. Working on side projects will cause me to run into more things that I don't know to do and will give me more things to write about.
The first project will be to stop using a blogging platform and build my own. I mean what self-respecting web developer doesn't build the platform they use by themselves? I think a blog is a great first simple step that will get me past a lot of the gotchas I might run into. So along the way I will fill others in on what they need to do in order to get it to work when they try to build something.
Wish me luck and I hope I eventually release this thing.